Food That Gain Weight And Make Sick

 2 Common Foods in Your Diet which will be Making You Gain Weight and obtain Sick

by Mike Geary, Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Specialist
Author of best-seller:  
The Truth about Six Pack Abs 
& The Top 101 Foods that FIGHT Aging


Of course, you've probably heard 1,000,000 times now how bad trans fats and high fructose syrup are for your health... so I'm not getting to offer you that very same old story.

Instead, we'd like to seem at a few common foods that are probably in your diet in large quantities and should be causing major problems like weight gain, headaches, sicknesses, indigestion, etc, etc... and people possible culprits are: 

Wheat and Dairy

Don't worry, I'm NOT getting to tell you that both of those staples got to be eliminated permanently from your diet... but read on to ascertain a stimulating test that will assist you an excellent deal...

In all of my years of private training and nutrition counseling, if I had to settle on a few VERY simple dietary changes that have made the most important difference for my clients in allowing them to FINALLY see fat loss results (and other health problems solved), 

It might be this following test:

1. Test removing all wheat products from your diet for two entire weeks, and notice how you are feeling, look, and your body composition. this suggests removing all bread, pasta, crackers, cookies, cakes, muffins, bagels, and other wheat-based foods unless they're 100% wheat-free. don't be concerned, it's only 2 weeks before this test... you'll survive! Just watch out for gluten-free versions of those junk foods unless they're low-carb also.

"Milk was a bad choice"

Foods Gain weight

2. Test removing all dairy from your diet for two entire weeks, and notice how you are feeling, look, and your body composition. don't be concerned, we'll talk for a minute about the way to keep dairy in your life if you discover that you simply are sensitive to some sort of it.

The best thanks to do that is to eliminate them both for two full weeks, then reintroduce one at a time so that you'll determine if one among them or both wheat and dairy are causing negative health effects for you.

Wheat and dairy are easily 2 of the most important intolerances that an outsized percentage of the population has.

Now, this doesn't mean that I'm saying you've got to thoroughly eliminate wheat and dairy for the remainder of your life, but what I'm saying is that this is often a crucial test to try to do for about 2 weeks to measure if you see some dramatic changes in your body fat percentage, how you look and feel overall, your energy levels, and other health and digestive issues.

If you are doing the 2-week elimination of wheat and dairy and do not feel that it helped you in the least or made you are feeling better, then you'll probably do ok on small to moderate amounts of every.

Most people don't realize this, but an outsized percentage of the population has a minimum of a point of intolerance to the gluten in wheat and several other grains. the most important offender is wheat though, as it's in such an outsized percentage of the typical western diet... from bread to pasta, to bagels, to cakes, wraps, cereals, etc, etc.

Most people do not have the extent of intolerance that celiac has, but most people feel far better, improve dozens of health problems, and also lose fat faster once they eliminate wheat from their diet. 

In fact, I just had a client last week tell me that when she eliminated wheat from her diet, her chronic headaches disappeared almost instantly... these are headaches she's been having for years, and after eliminating wheat from her diet, they're gone ( along with somebody fat that she lost too ! ).

You can also read this text about my dad and the way he reduced wheat in his diet and saw an immediate reduction in his love handles and eliminated the chronic joint pain that he'd had for years.

What about me? Do I still eat wheat?

Food which gain weight

Well, what I personally do is attempt to only eat wheat on cheat days, which repeatedly means when I'm out at restaurants or at parties, barbeques, etc. Since wheat is so integral within the typical western diet, it's almost impossible to avoid it when eating out or at other people's houses.

But I even have virtually ZERO wheat products in my very own house usually (except an occasional piece of sprouted grain bread once or twice a week ). Anything is straightforward to avoid a minimum of 90% of the time when it doesn't even exist in your cabinets!

Make sure to also read this text which shows 11 ways in which wheat HARMS your body -- everything from joint inflammation, digestive issues, acid reflux, acne problems, belly fat, diabetes, and more. it is a must-read article!

What about Dairy?

Now with as anti-wheat as I'm actually an enormous fan of dairy... However, as long as the dairy is milk or raw cheese and from grass-fed cows or is a minimum of a fermented sort of dairy.

Did you recognize that a lot of people who "think" they're lactose intolerant actually can drink milk and/or dairy kefir without a problem? this is often because the live enzymes and friendly bacteria in milk aid in the digestion of the lactose and therefore the proteins in milk. These enzymes and friendly bacteria are destroyed in milk, which makes it harder to digest for several people. 

Also, in most good brands of Kefir, the lactose is pre-digested by the microbes utilized in the fermenting of the milk to form kefir...for this reason, most Kefirs are 99% lactose-free and really easy to digest, even for folks that "think" they need dairy intolerance.

I know the topic of milk may be a controversial topic, so you would like to obviously do your own research...but inspect the realmilk.com site to form your own decision about raw dairy.

If I can not get raw dairy, I select to travel mostly dairy-free (except non-sweetened full-fat yogurt and kefir, which are easier to digest thanks to the live probiotics in them ). But I avoid commercial milk because I feel that pasteurized, milk isn't suitable for future consumption in terms of health. Many scientists believe that milk fat is the most dangerous type thanks to the machine-created tiny particles of fat that enter the bloodstream more readily, which isn't a problem with non-homogenized milk.

Keep in mind that yogurt, cheese, and kefir generally use non-homogenized milk, so I view them as more acceptable and healthy (as long as grass-fed) than milk itself. And in fact, yogurt, cheese, and kefir have good probiotics, so are beneficial therein respect too.

By the way, you'll always search to ascertain if milk co-ops or farms are available in your area on RealMilk.com. you would be surprised at what percentage of co-ops are available that deliver from rural areas to urban areas. it is vital to form sure that the farm is reputable and authorized (in some states) to supply milk. Most milk farms are the cleanest operations in the entire dairy industry.

Oh, and for the "germophobes" out there... I have been drinking gallons upon gallons of raw, full-fat milk for about 12 years now (I drink about 1-2 gallons per week once I can catch on, which is merely a few weeks a month, so I naturally cycle my dairy intake), and I have never once gotten sick from milk, nor has anybody else that I do know that's been drinking it future ... so to all or any of those so-called "experts" out there telling you that "there's a reason they pasteurize milk because it's dangerous if not"... well, they obviously do not know what they're talking about. If it had been "dangerous", I surely would have gotten sick a minimum of once after 12 years of drinking it.

Plus, the full-fat milk certainly has not made me fatter either... I want to foolishly drink skimmed milk only for years, but now for the last 12 years, I've drunk nothing but FULL-FAT raw grass-fed milk, and I am easily in the best shape of my life now and leaner than ever. and I also use FULL-FAT grass-fed cream in my coffee every day, and it's never adding any body fat to me! actually, the healthy CLA fats and vitamin K2 in full-fat grass-fed cream are extremely healthy for you, as vitamin K2 from grass-fed dairy fat has been shown to scale back heart condition risk and increase your body's utilization of vitamin D.

You can also read my article here about why dairy fat can even help PREVENT heart conditions.

Regarding raw vs milk, people are more likely to urge sick from milk, because mass factory farms are generally dirtier operations with animals that are in poorer health than grass-fed milk farms.

And don't forget the high levels of fat-burning, muscle-building CLA in full-fat, raw, grass-fed milk ( and omega-3s)!

Back from the tangent... I feel this elimination of wheat and ( pasteurized, homogenized ) dairy is one of the foremost important tests anyone can easily do to ascertain if wheat and dairy are negatively affecting them. After all, it's only 2 weeks to check yourself!

When trying to eliminate wheat, this usually means most processed foods need to be eliminated because wheat components are in numerous processed foods. a method that I personally get around this is often to satisfy my cravings for food with low-carb, gluten-free versions that use coconut flour and almond flour because of the base rather than flour.

Check out this text to ascertain the way to get delicious healthy brownies and cakes that are low-carb, gluten-free, and even support a fat-burning metabolism!

Good luck with the test if you are trying it! many of us find it to be one of the simplest things they've finished their health. be happy to share this text below together with your friends and family:

Here's another recent article that was very fashionable during this ezine... Basically, I did a 6-week experiment on myself and tried to overeat constantly... see what happened:

6-week Overeating Experiment: Did I gain massive weight, stay an equivalent, or reduce?

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Food that gain weight

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